How to Attract Crows Easily for Bird-Lovers

Do you love the outdoors surrounded by wildlife? If so, you’ll want to learn how to attract crows. These fascinating creatures can be quite entertaining to watch, and they can also provide critical ecological services. Knowing how to entice crows to your yard or garden is a great way to enjoy some close encounters with the birds.

How To Attract Crows to Your Garden

You can consider making your property more crow-friendly. Let us look at some of the most effective methods:

1. Offer Them Food and Water

Crows are omnivores, so they’ll be happy to sample just about anything you put out for them. Some of their favorites include fruits, nuts, and insects. You can also try putting out small water baths as crows are fond of bathing. You can:

a) Have a consistent feeding schedule

A consistent feeding schedule will encourage crows to visit your property more frequently. If you live where crows forage, try putting out some food early in the morning and in the evening. This will give them a chance to eat when they’re most active. 

You can also try leaving out larger quantities of food on weekends when you have more time to watch them. But, ensure you clean up any leftover food to not attract other unwanted critters, like rats or raccoons.

b) Install a bird feeder

Another great way to offer crows a variety of foods is to install a bird feeder. You can find bird feeders designed explicitly for crows, or you can use a feeder that’s meant for other types of birds and put out some crow-friendly foods.

Some good options to consider include:

  • Cracked corn
  • Sunflower seeds
  • Peanuts
  • Berries

Remember to keep your bird feeder stocked with food, or the crows will quickly lose interest. You should also clean your bird feeder regularly to prevent the spread of disease.

c) Create a watering hole

As mentioned earlier, crows are very fond of water and love to bathe. Creating a small watering hole is a great way to attract crows to your property. A simple birdbath will do, but you can also make your watering hole by digging a small depression in the ground and filling it with water.

Be sure to keep your watering hole filled with fresh water, especially during the hot summer months. So, if crows congregate around where you live, try putting out several watering holes so that they don’t have to compete for space.

2. Create a Safe Place to Nest

Crows are cavity nesters, so they need a place to build their nests. If you have any trees or other structures in your yard that offer suitable nesting sites, crows will be sure to take advantage of them. You can also help create a safe space for crows by putting up nest boxes.

3. Provide Shelter from the Weather

Crows need a place to seek shelter during bad weather. If you have some trees or other structures in your yard that provide cover, crows will be sure to use them. You can also help by putting up a birdhouse or some other type of shelter.

4. Create a Bird Garden

A bird garden is a great way to attract different birds, including crows. To create one, plant various bird-friendly plants in your yard. This will provide them with the food and shelter they need to thrive.

5. Remove Excessive Noise and Activity

Crows are attracted to quiet areas, free from too much human activity. So if you live in a loud or busy area, try to create noise-reducing barriers, like planting trees or shrubs. You can also try to limit your activities in the yard, especially during the day when crows are most active.

6. Decoy Crows

An easy way to attract a crow is using decoys. You can purchase crow decoys online or at your local hardware store. Set them up in your garden and wait for the crows to come. Decoys are especially effective when combined with other attractants, like food and water.

7. Use Crow Calls to Lure Them In

If you want crows to come closer, you can use crow calls. These are recordings of the different vocalizations crows make, and they can be purchased online or at your local wildlife store. Play the recording near your feeding area and watch the crows flock in.

Crows are naturally curious birds, and they’ll be attracted to caw caws and other familiar sounds. However, be sure to use crow calls as a last resort, as they can scare away other types of birds.

8. Use Shiny Objects

Crows are also attracted to shiny objects. So, if you have shiny objects like old CDs or DVDs lying around, try hanging them up in your yard. The reflective surface will catch the crows’ attention, and they’ll be sure to investigate. You can also try hanging up some metallic streamers or Mylar balloons. So, their inquisitive nature will cause them to check out anything new and shiny in their territory.

9. Place a Compost Bin in a Strategic Place

Crows are scavengers by nature, and they love to eat insects and other small creatures. If you have a compost bin in your yard, the crows will be sure to check it out. So, place a compost bin in a strategic spot so that the crows can easily get to it.

10. Keep Pets Inside

When trying to attract crows, keep your pets indoors during the times of day when crows are most active. Crows may view them as threats, and this could scare them away. In addition, some pets, such as cats, may also prey on crows.

11. Watch Them From a Distance

You can also attract crows by watching them from afar. If you make yourself known, they may view you as a threat, which could scare them away. So instead, try to observe them from a safe distance and let them get used to your presence. Once they become comfortable with you, they’ll be more likely to approach.

12. Be Patient

Attracting crows takes time and patience. So, while you might not see results immediately, these tips will help you attract them eventually. So sit back, relax, and enjoy watching these amazing creatures in your backyard.

Different Types of Crows

As a corvid enthusiast, you may want to know more about the different types of crows that can be found in North America. These are the most common types of crows that you’ll encounter:

a) American Crow

The American crow is the most common crow found in North America. They’re large birds with black feathers and a wingspan of around four feet. These crows are very intelligent and are known for their problem-solving abilities.

b) Fish Crow

The Fish crow is a small crow found near bodies of water. They have black feathers and a wingspan of around two feet. These crows are known for their loud calls and are often mistaken for American crows.

c) Northern Raven

The Northern raven is a large crow found in the northern parts of North America. They have black feathers and a wingspan of around four feet.

d) Western Scrub-Jay

The Western scrub-jay is a small crow found in the western parts of North America. They have blue feathers and a wingspan of around two feet. These crows are known for their inquisitive nature and often poking around in other birds’ nests.

Spotting Crows in The Wild

Now that you’ve learned how to attract crows, you may be wondering where to find them in the wild. The best time to see crows is early morning or late afternoon. This is because they’re most active during these times, and this is when they’ll be out searching for food.

Crows can be found in various habitats, but they’re most commonly seen in open fields or near bodies of water. You can also see crows in parks or on busy streets if you live in the city.

When you’re out spotting crows, be sure to bring binoculars so that you can get a closer look. You might also need a camera to capture these amazing creatures on film.

Crow Behavior

In addition to being beautiful birds, crows are also fascinating animals with complex behavior patterns. Here are some things you may see crows doing in the wild:

  • Building Nests: Crows build their nests using various materials, including sticks, leaves, and grass. They normally build their nests in trees, but you may also see them nesting on power lines or buildings.
  • Feeding Their Young: Crows feed their young by regurgitating food they’ve previously eaten. This process is called “crop milk,” and it’s how baby crows get the nutrients they need to grow.
  • Flying in Flocks: Crows are social animals, and they often fly in large flocks. These flocks can be made up of hundreds or even thousands of crows.
  • Making Tools: Crows are known for their intelligence, and they’re the only non-human animals that have been known to make tools. They’ve been known to use sticks and twigs to reach food that’s out of their reach.
  • Communicating with Each Other: Crows communicate with each other using a variety of sounds, including caws, clicks, and coos. Crows also use body language to communicate, such as bowing or nodding their heads.

Frequently Asked Questions About Crows

a) Are crows dangerous?

Crows are not considered dangerous animals, and they generally don’t attack humans unless they feel threatened. However, you should always be cautious around any wild animal.

b) Do crows eat garbage?

Crows are scavengers by nature, and they will eat just about anything. This includes garbage, insects, small animals, and even other birds’ eggs. These birds have been known to drag carrion (dead animals) around with them to create a food cache.

c) How long do crows live?

Crows can live up to 20 years in the wild. However, the average lifespan is only about six to seven years.

d) How do crows communicate?

Crows communicate with each other through a series of calls and gestures. They also use their beaks and feathers to convey messages. Crows are very intelligent and can even learn to mimic human speech.

e) Are crows monogamous?

Crows are not considered monogamous birds, and they will mate with multiple partners throughout their lives.

f) Are crows migratory birds?

Crows are not considered migratory birds, and they generally stay in the same area their entire lives. However, there have been cases of crows migrating long distances searching for food.

g) How do I know if I see a crow or a raven?

The easiest way to differentiate between a crow and a raven is by size. Ravens are larger birds with a wingspan of up to five feet. They also have shaggy feathers around their necks. On the other hand, crows have a wingspan of around four feet, and they don’t have the same shaggy feathers.

Another way to differentiate is by their calls. For example, ravens have a more resounding, croaking call, while crows have a higher-pitched cawing sound.

h) Are crows endangered?

Crows are not considered endangered animals, and they are not currently facing any significant threats. However, there is always the potential for them to become threatened in the future due to habitat loss or other human-related activities.

i) Is it safe to approach an injured crow?

If you find an injured crow, it’s best to contact a local wildlife rehabilitator or the police. These birds can be aggressive when injured, and they may attack humans. It’s also important to remember that it’s illegal to possess a crow in many states.

Popular Crow Lore

As a corvid enthusiast, you may be interested in learning some of the popular crow lore that’s been passed down through the years. Here are some common myths:

a) Crows are bad luck

Many people believe that crows are a sign of bad luck. This may be because crows have been known to steal food from other birds or because they’re often seen scavenging around in the garbage.

b) Crows are associated with death

Crows are associated with death and the dark arts in some cultures. Some people believe that crows can foretell death and that they can even steal a person’s soul. However, there’s mostly no scientific evidence to support these claims.

c) Crows are intelligent birds

As mentioned earlier, crows are very intelligent birds. They’re known for their problem-solving abilities and their mimicry of human speech. Unfortunately, this intelligence has led many people to believe that crows are magical creatures.


Crows are interesting birds that have long been shrouded in mystery and legend. These birds are intelligent, adaptable, and enjoyable to watch. However, they are also shy and can be easily spooked, so it’s important to approach them cautiously.

Start learn how to attract crows to your yard today by following the tips in this guide, and you’re sure to enjoy watching these fascinating birds up close!

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